What do you do when a friendship starts to change? How do you know if it's toxic -- and what can you do if it is? Is walking away your best or only option?
In this episode, Dr. McCoy discusses the signs that you may be in a toxic friendship, what to do and when to walk away.
What do you do when you love your partner but aren't feeling quite so "in love" anymore. Does this mean that it's time to move on or that you're reaching a new level of intimacy?
In this episode, Dr. McCoy discusses the differences between feeling in love and loving your partner as is day after day. While some lament the passing of that relationship phase of delight and fantasy and hope, she points out that truly loving another can be much better than any fantasies.
Why are so many people in tears as they watch the Fred Rogers documentary "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" Perhaps some of the tears come from the realization of how much we need to learn in this age of divisiveness and distractions.
In this episode, Dr. McCoy discusses the essential life lessons we can learn from examining the life of this gentle, loving man.