What are your most treasured life coincidences and blessings? Perhaps it's a special friendship that came from an accidental pairing on a school or work assignment; perhaps it was a chance meeting that led to lifelong love.
In this episode, Dr. McCoy talks about these chance relationships with staying power that impact our lives so much. And she memorializes a special friendship with Elizabeth Canfield, a social activist, health educator and Holocaust survivor, who died recently. She reflects on the many unexpected blessings in all our lives -- as life so often surprises us.
Making a habit of kindness not only brightens the days of strangers, family and friends alike, but it can also make a positive difference in our own lives and feelings.
In this episode, Dr. McCoy discusses how we can make kindness a habit, what specific things can help and the impact this can have on the lives of others.
There is nothing like money to spark family feuds and emotional divides and some money mistakes can lead to ongoing conflict between parents and their adult children.
In this episode, Dr. McCoy discusses the five most common money mistakes parents make with suggestions on how to avoid these and why doing so can lead to improved relationships with adult children.
Whether you're a frazzled bride or groom facing the disapproval of parents or adult children or a parent contending with a Bridezilla with expensive tastes or a divorced parent wondering whether to issue an ultimatum about your attendance at your child's wedding if your ex and his new spouse attend, there are ways to cut the drama.
In this episode, Dr. McCoy discusses how to deal with disagreements, obnoxious wedding behavior, straining budgets, and boycotts or ultimatums to ensure more harmony in your life as an extended family.
There are definite health benefits to maintaining good relationships with your adult children. This podcast explains why this is so and how to repair rifts and stay close to your adult children.