All of us have stories we need to tell. In this episode, Dr. McCoy talks about the need to take time to listen to the stories of others -- not just to be kind, but also because there is so much we can learn.
The marriage of an adult child brings changes and challenges to parents, even when the marriage is a happy event for all the families involved.
The young couple will be grappling with the logistics of a blended life: dividing time and attention to at least two different sets of in-laws, adjusting to differing family of origin values and patterns of interaction and behavior.
How can you, as a parent, keep close when your adult child marries? In this episode, Dr. McCoy discusses 5 strategies for building new closeness with your adult child and his or her spouse.
During a lunch out recently, Dr. McCoy noticed two women who appeared to be mother and daughter at a table next to her.
The older woman spent the entire time engaging in a pleasant phone call, leaving the younger woman to stare at the table and to eat a largely silent meal.
It's easy to blame technology for intruding on our lives, but, as Dr. McCoy points out, we have choices: to allow technology to intrude, to rush mindlessly through each day, to let busyness interfere with closeness and connection.
In this episode, Dr. McCoy makes suggestions for living mindfully and what a difference this can make.
What distinguishes successful couples from those whose relationships disintegrate?
In this episode, Dr. Kathy McCoy, drawing on her experience as a marriage counselor and psychotherapist, discusses the qualities a couple needs to make a relationship work for both partners.
Just as happiness is an elusive life goal, feelings often considered negative such as anxiety or sadness, can be life-enhancing.
In this episode, Dr. McCoy discusses the up side of down feelings and why these feelings can warn us of danger or motivate us toward positive change.